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What do you do for a living??
I'm a wedding photographer and I run the operations of a real estate Media company.

Hunh? What does that even mean?
Well...I shoot primarily weekend weddings and take portraits, newborns, maternity clients on a limited basis. The rest of my week is spent managing the logistics, marketing and business development of a Real Estate Media Company.

So you work two jobs?
Yupp and I wouldn't have it any other way.

How do you fit in all this stuff? 
I just do? My energy comes from a mixture of coffee and pure joy. What's life if you're not really living it, right?!? My relax time is yoga... that's my 1 hour everyday.

What type of camera do you use?
For my blog I use a Nikon D90. It was my first DSLR and the one I'm most comfortable with. After all these years it's more like an extentsion of my hand.

Can I use your recipes or photos in my post?

Yeah of course... Just make sure to link back to my blog and give my a shout out of some sort.

Still have questions? 
If it's something along these line that you wanna find out tweet me.
Business related feel free to email me, info (at)