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Become Sponsor

Sponsoring with me is a wonderful way to gain exposure, new readers,
and self promotion for your blog, shop or business!
I focus on portraying a positive, creative lifestyle 
through photography, projects, and fashion related posts. 

Sponsorship runs for the following month of your purchased ad space, 
from first day of the month to the last day of the month. 
Each space is rotated mid month (top to bottom, bottom to top, etc.) 
amongst fellow ad sizes so that every sponsor is given an equal amount of exposure!

Purchasing multiple months of sponsorship at a discounted 
price is available. Please contact me at info (at)
for more details.

*This is a for profit blog. I accept and promote sponsorship that fits with the style and atmosphere of me and my blog

Giveaways are an additional fee and on a case by case basis that
fit with the aesthetics of this blogIf you are interested in
hosting a giveaway please contact me at info (at)

Product Review:
If you would like to send an article of clothing for an outfit
post or for a product review, please contact me at info (at)
I only accept pieces that I feel resonate with my personal style.

To purchase sponsoring, please email me at info (at) for a direct payment link and ad information.